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Genetic diseases are inherited disorders reflecting gene
MUTATIONS or abnormalities in chromosome structure or number
and resulting in functional or anatomical changes. Common
genetic diseases include deformities, such as cleft lip and
palate; metabolic disorders, such as phenylketonuria, which
results in mental retardation; and albinism, which results in
lack of skin pigmentation.
In the half-century between 1935 and 1985 infant mortality from
infectious disease, primarily diarrhea, declined from 25% to
3%, and infant mortality from BIRTH DEFECTS increased from 5%
to 15%. The frequency of chromosome abnormalities in the
United States is 1 in about 200 live births. Approximately
50-60% of all recognized spontaneous abortions are
chromosomally abnormal. Six in every 100 stillbirths have
chromosome abnormalities, and 6 in every 100 neonatal deaths
are associated with chromosome defects.
Gene transmission, or HEREDITY, in families is most often
identified by the function of an altered GENE. Genetic
diseases can be inherited in a manner similar to that of normal
traits. These diseases include single-gene disorders that are
autosomal dominant, autosomal recessive, or sex-linked
recessive. They also include multifactorial disorders,
resulting from more than one gene often interacting with
environmental factors. Autosomal means that the gene pair is
present in a chromosome pair other than the sex chromosomes.
Disorders caused by the mutation of a single gene are often
called inborn errors of metabolism because they reflect
alterations of a biochemical pathway. As a result of the
mutation of a single gene, the gene product normally
manufactured is absent or is present in low amounts.
Therefore, either an important end product is not synthesized
in sufficient quantity, or an excessive accumulation of
intermediate products that may be toxic occurs. Many inborn
errors of metabolism are fatal in early childhood or at best
impair health to the extent that the maintenance of proper body
function is difficult if not impossible.
Autosomal Dominant Genes
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Autosomal dominant genes, of which more than a thousand are
fully identified, are expressed in both heterozygous and
homozygous individuals. Many are found to be lethal when the
individual is homozygous. Dominant traits are usually
expressed equally in both the male and the female. If one
parent is affected, therefore, each pregnancy involves a 50%
risk of recurrence. The sex of the parent contributing the
gene can also play a role in the course of the disease (see
is characterized by ceaseless, involuntary jerky movements,
dementia, and finally death. Symptoms are manifested after 35
years of age, usually after the affected person has had
offspring, 50% of whom inherit the disease.
Autosomal Recessive Genes
Autosomal recessive traits, of which 600 are fully identified,
are expressed phenotypically only in homozygotic individuals.
Most of these traits, if not all, result from a single-gene
mutation affecting a single step in a biochemical pathway.
Most autosomal recessive traits are expressed to some extent in
heterozygotic individuals, although their physical appearance
and general health are normal. These people are known as
carriers because they can transmit the gene to their children,
who manifest the disease. Usually, affected children will have
unaffected carrier parents. Frequently, parents who are
closely related, like first cousins, transmit autosomal
recessive disorders. The recurrence risk for heterozygous
parents is 1 chance in 4, or 25%, for each pregnancy.
examples of autosomal recessive disorders. In Tay-Sachs
disease the affected gene does not produce an enzyme needed to
metabolize lipids. As a result, they build up in the brain,
causing neurologic deterioration and eventually death. In
galactosemia the enzyme that converts the milk sugar galactose
to glucose is not produced. Newborns with this disorder who
are fed milk accumulate galactose in their blood. The infant
develops cataracts, cirrhosis of the liver, and mental
retardation. The disorder is reversible by omitting milk and
milk products from the child's diet. Children having
phenylketonuria (PKU) lack the ability to produce an enzyme
that metabolizes the amino acid phenylalanine. Excess
phenylalanine causes skin-pigment deficiency and mental
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retardation. Other such disorders include SICKLE-CELL DISEASE
and thalassemia (see COOLEY'S ANEMIA).
Sex-Linked Recessive Genes
In most cases of sex-linked recessive traits, of which 125 are
fully identified, the mother is heterozygous but
unaffected--she is a carrier. She has a 50% chance of
producing affected sons through transmission of an X chromosome
carrying the gene mutation. Her daughters have a 50% chance of
being heterozygous like the mother. If an affected male is
able to reproduce, and marries a homozygous normal female, none
of his children will be affected, but all of his daughters will
be heterozygous for the sex-linked gene. His sons do not
inherit the disease.
MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY and HEMOPHILIA are representative sex-linked
recessive disorders. In muscular dystrophy male children have
weakness and degeneration of their muscles, progressing from
extremities to the entire body. Hemophilia, which also affects
male children with mothers who are unaffected carriers, is
characterized by severe hemorrhaging and the inability of the
blood to clot and heal a wound.
Sex-Linked Dominant Genes
Only a few disorders with sex-linked dominant inheritance are
known, such as vitamin D-resistant rickets, which may produce
severe bowing of the legs. Mutations occur on the X
chromosome, so if the female carries the mutation, recurrence
risks are 50% for both female and male progeny; if the male
has the disorder, no sons but all of the daughters will be
Disorders that reflect the activity of several genes rather
than one are known as multifactorial traits. In most cases the
environment, especially during pregnancy, plays an important
role in determining the severity of the disease in the child.
Several relatively common disorders fall into this category;
for example, cleft lip and palate, pyloric stenosis
(obstruction of the stomach), and spina bifida (defect of the
bony spinal column). In general, the recurrence risk for
parents who have an affected child is in the range of 3-5%. If
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one parent is affected, the risk for any pregnancy is also in
the 3-5% range.
Chromosome abnormalities constitute an increasing frequency of
birth defects. The most common type of chromosome abnormality
is a change in total chromosome number. In general, reduction
of the total number of autosomes is incompatible with life. An
infant with an extra chromosome involving virtually any
autosome pair also has a limited life span, with multiple
physical abnormalities and mental retardation.
The most common chromosomal abnormality is DOWN'S SYNDROME, or
mongolism, which involves the chromosome designated as number
21. This defect is termed Trisomy 21 because all cells in the
infant's body carry an extra number 21 chromosome. This
condition occurs in 1 out of 800 liveborn infants. Maternal
age is a factor in the frequency of Down's syndrome; for
example, 1 out of 300 mothers in their 30s, and 1 out of 40
mothers over 40 produce such infants. Other well-described
trisomies in humans are Trisomy 13 (Patau's syndrome) and
Trisomy 18 (Edward's syndrome). Both aberrations are
associated with multiple birth defects, including mental
retardation and limited life span. All human chromosome
abnormalities can be detected in the developing fetus either
through chorionic villus sampling, which can be done as early
as the 9th week of gestation, or though amniocentesis, possible
as early as the 14th to 16th week.
Like autosomal abnormalities, aberrations of the sex
chromosomes may result in impaired or absent fertility. For
example, one abnormality is known as 45X, or Turner's syndrome.
Individuals with this condition, who are classified as female,
most commonly are short in stature and show impaired
development of female genitalia and of such secondary sex
characteristics as the breasts and distribution of body hair;
they are also sterile. Another abnormality, called
KLINEFELTER'S SYNDROME, occurs when the individual has 47
chromosomes in the cells of the body, with an XXY
sex-chromosome composition. The individual is male in
appearance, tall in stature, has sparse hair distribution over
the body, and is sterile.
Regardless of other sex-chromosome anomalies, when the Y
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chromosome is present the physical appearance is nearly always
male. As the total number of sex chromosomes present
increases, greater prevalence of associated birth defects and
mental retardation results.
Oliver W. Jones, M. D.
One goal of recombinant-DNA technology (see GENETIC
ENGINEERING) is the cure of human genetic diseases. Gene
therapy may involve one or more of the following: (1) Gene
Replacement Therapy, in which the normal form of a gene
replaces a mutant gene. This type of gene therapy becomes
important if the location of the gene at a specific point on a
particular chromosome is essential for its proper functioning.
(2) Gene Augmentation Therapy, in which the normal form of a
gene is inserted in one of the cell's chromosomes without
removal of the abnormal gene. This will be effective if the
genetic disease is caused by a deleted gene or a gene with
either reduced or no activity. (3) Gene Inactivation Therapy,
in which the transferred gene produces a protein that
neutralizes either a defective protein formed by a mutated gene
or the excess number of proteins formed by an amplified gene (a
gene that is duplicated abnormally to give many extra copies of
Therapeutic genes can be introduced directly into a cell
through various chemical or physical processes that make the
cell membrane temporarily permeable to foreign DNA. This
method of gene transfer is called transfection. An indirect
transfer method, called transduction, incorporates a beneficial
gene into the genetic material of a virus, which is then
allowed to infect the target cell. The most efficient method
of transferring genes has been found to be transduction using a
type of RNA virus called a RETROVIRUS. After infecting a host
cell the retrovirus makes a DNA copy of itself, which is then
inserted into the genetic material of the host cell.
In 1990 the first trial of gene therapy was made, involving a
child with lymphocytes that could not produce the enzyme
adenosine deaminase (ADA), which is crucial for the normal
development of the immune system. Using gene augmentation
therapy, lymphocytes were removed from the child's blood and
retrovirally altered by the addition of an ADA gene. These
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cells were then returned to the child's bloodstream. Early
reports after monthly infusions showed improved immune
A second gene therapy trial, involving two patients suffering
from malignant melanoma skin cancer, began in early 1991.
Trials using gene therapy to treat other genetic diseases, such
as hemophilia, cystic fibrosis, and muscular dystrophy, are
being developed.
In many cases where a person may be heterozygous for a
disease-causing recessive gene or a carrier of a late-acting
dominant gene, it is not yet possible to determine the presence
or absence of the mutated gene directly. Instead it is
necessary to look for some easily identifiable gene or section
of DNA located nearby to act as a "marker" for the presence of
the disease-causing gene. The genetic marker permits
identification of a pattern of inheritance of the mutated gene
in a family, a process known as linkage analysis.
In 1983 a study of an extended family group with a high
incidence of Huntington's chorea revealed that the gene was
associated and passed along with a particular DNA fragment that
could be located at a specific point on chromosome 4. The
identification of this particular DNA fragment in a child of
this extended family indicates the child has the gene for this
disorder, many years before the first symptoms of the disease
occur. In similar fashion the genes for Duchenne muscular
dystrophy, cystic fibrosis, and neurofibromatosis have been
mapped to specific locations on their chromosomes. As work in
this field continues more and more disease-causing genes will
be mapped to specific locations on particular chromosomes,
permitting more precise GENETIC TESTING and counseling.
Louis Levine
Bibliography: Childs, B., et al., Molecular Genetics in
Medicine (1988); Kirby, L.T., DNA Fingerprinting (1990);
Nora, J.J., and Fraser, F.C., Medical Genetics, 3d ed. (1989);
Pierce, B.A., The Family Genetic Sourcebook (1990); Verma,
I.M., "Gene Therapy," Scientific American, November 1990;
White, R., and Lalouel, J.M., "Chromosome Mapping with DNA
Markers," Scientific American, February 1988.
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Genetics is the area of biology concerned with the study of
inheritance, the process by which certain characteristics of
organisms are handed down from parent to offspring. Modern
genetics began in 1865, when the Austrian monk Gregor MENDEL
demonstrated the inheritance patterns of the garden pea, Pisum
savitum, and provided a new way of looking at HEREDITY.
Mendel's theories were based on hereditary factors, or genes
(see GENE), the existence of which he deduced without seeing
them or having any notion of what they were or where they were
Gregor Mendel's results and theories, however, went unnoticed
until 1900, when Hugo De Vries in the Netherlands, Carl Correns
in Germany, and Erich von Ischermak-Seysenegg in Austria--who
almost simultaneously rediscovered Mendel's work and
independently performed similar experiments--arrived at the
same conclusions reached by Mendel. It is now known that genes
dictate the characteristic structures and functions of all
organisms, from viruses to redwood trees and elephants, and
that these characteristics are in turn passed on from parent to
offspring. It is also known that the variety of hereditary
traits are caused by variations in the genes themselves.
Mendel studied seven characteristics of the garden pea and
obtained experimental results that suggested a similar
hereditary mechanism for all. In one experiment, he crossed
plants that differed in the characteristic of plant height. He
had previously obtained a line of pea plants that always
produced tall plants and a line that always produced short
plants, and he crossed them by transferring pollen from one
plant to another. He found that the progeny (the first filial
generation) were all tall. He then allowed these to
self-pollinate and produce another generation of progeny (the
second filial generation), three-quarters of which were tall
and one-quarter short.
Mendel's Laws
From these results, Mendel deduced an explanation for the
mechanism of inheritance and assumed certain principles to be
true: (1) hereditary factors (genes) must exist; (2) two
factors exist for each characteristic; (3) at the time of
sex-cell formation, the hereditary factors of a pair separate
equally into the gametes (law of segregation); (4) the gametes
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bear only one factor for each characteristic; (5) hereditary
factors for different traits sort independently of one another
at gamete formation (law of independent assortment); and (6)
gametes join randomly, irrespective of the factors that they
carry. The characteristic that appeared in the first
generation plants--in this case, tall plants--seemed to
dominate over the one that did not appear. Mendel called
tallness a dominant trait and shortness recessive; this
phenomenon was referred to as the law of dominance.
A capital A is now usually used to represent the gene that
determines the dominant character, and a small a for one that
determines the recessive character. When a pair of hereditary
factors, or genes, are of the same type (AA), the condition is
said to be homozygous for that character. On the other hand,
if the two members of a pair are different (Aa), the condition
is called heterozygous.
The second generation plants of Mendel's experiment were
composed of one-quarter AA, one-half Aa, and one-quarter aa.
Since tallness is dominant, AA and Aa both appear tall,
accounting for the three-quarter: one-quarter ratio of tall to
short. The alternate forms of a gene, known as alleles,
combine to produce different genetic types, or genotypes.
Mendel demonstrated that the three-quarter: one quarter ratio
existed for all seven characteristics of peas that he studied;
he also showed that the separate gene pairs behaved
independently of each other during gamete formation.
Mendel's knowledge of genes and their behavior was entirely
theoretical. Subsequent studies of CELL structure and cell
division have supplied physical evidence supporting his
theories. It is now generally believed that genes behave as
they do because of their location on chromosomes (see GENETIC
CODE), structures found in the nucleus of each CELL of an
organism. Chromosomes are not all the same length, and, when
stained in the appropriate way, each may show characteristic
bands, thickenings, or constrictions.
The cells of each species contain a fixed and characteristic
number of chromosomes. Some organisms, such as fungi and
single-celled algae, have only a single set, or haploid number
(n), of chromosomes in their cell nuclei. The somatic cells of
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most higher organisms, including humans, contain two sets, or a
diploid number (2n), of chromosomes. Still other organisms,
such as mosses, ferns, and horsetails, alternate between
diploid and haploid during different stages of their life
In diploid cells, gene pairs are located at specific sites
(loci) on each chromosome. These gene pairs can be composed
either of two identical genes or two alleles. A diploid cell
therefore contains two genes for each hereditary
characteristic. The gametes (sex cells) of diploid organisms,
however, contain only a haploid (n) number of chromosomes; the
union of two gametes, one from each parent, produces a diploid
(2n) zygote, from which the offspring develops.
The process of cell division by which such gametes are produced
is called meiosis. It takes place in the testes and ovaries of
animals, in the anthers and ovaries of higher plants, and in
the sporophyte (2n) stage of organisms that alternate between
haploid and diploid. In meiosis a single diploid cell divides
into two diploid cells, each of which divides into two haploid
cells. During this process, the two sets of chromosomes
separate, thereby separating the members of the gene pairs.
Each of the four resulting gametes therefore contains only one
gene for each characteristic, and different gametes from the
same parent may carry different alleles.
Mendel's postulates may therefore be restated in physical terms
as follows: (1) genes are located on chromosomes; (2) genes
occur in pairs, occupying specific loci on a chromosome pair;
(3) the first meiotic division separates the chromosome pairs,
producing an equal division of the members of a gene pair in
the product cells; (4) since there are two cell divisions and
only one replication of chromosomes, the chromosome number is
halved; (5) different gene pairs on separate chromosome pairs
behave independently of each other; and (6) collision of egg
and sperm is a chance process.
Linkage and Crossing-Over
In the early 1900s, Thomas Hunt MORGAN used the fruit fly
Drosophila melanogaster to test a situation that Mendel did not
encounter, in which two gene pairs are located on the same
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chromosome pair. In this case they do not behave
independently, since genes on the same chromosome tend to stay
together during meiosis. This is called linkage. The
combinations can be separated by the simultaneous breaking of
homologous chromosomes during the first meiotic division, and
the joining of the broken segments from each chromosome to the
homologous broken segments. This process, called
crossing-over, occurs regularly during meiosis and randomly
between any chromosome pair in a bundle of four. Crossovers
can be detected genetically if they involve two heterozygous
gene pairs (the alleles producing distinct gene products).
Under a microscope, they appear as cross-shaped structures
called chiasmata.
Crossing-over can be used to produce a chromosome map showing
the relative positions of the loci of the known gene pairs.
Two organisms having homozygous gene pairs are bred, and the
offspring (first generation) has heterozygous gene peirs
(AaBb). This heterozygote is then crossed with a tester strain
of the genotype aabb, a standard tool known as a testcross.
The progeny of a testcross are screened for the appearance of
the genotype Aabb and aaBb, which can only arise from
crossovers. The frequency of these types is a standard measure
and is assumed to be proportional to the distance between the
two loci on their chromosome. Using different combinations of
gene pairs, an internally self-consistent map can be
constructed in which the number of map units is defined as the
percentage of progeny in a testcross derived from a crossover.
The Role of Chromosomes
It is now known that genes are lengths of a threadlike chemical
called deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and form a continuous string
that constitutes the chromosomes. Several researchers have
attempted to explain the significance of the long assemblages
of genes in chains, or chromosomes. First, some combinations
of genes have adaptive value and need to be inherited as a
package. Having them linked closely on one chromosome is one
way of ensuring this. Second, genes with related functions
often need to be activated simultaneously; their proximity
allows them to be activated by one common switch mechanism.
Third, the packaging of genes into units facilitates the
orderly production of daughter cells in cell division.
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Crossing-over and independent assortment of genes result in
combinations of genes in progeny that are different from the
parental arrangements. This process, called recombination, is
believed to be an important mechanism for generating new
genotypes. Recombination most frequently occurs among genes
widely separated from each other; closely linked genes,
however, have a random chance of rearrangement.
Mendel explained the phenomenon of discontinuous hereditary
variation, which is expressed in separate and distinct forms
that are associated with one kind of allele, such as tall
versus short or wrinkled versus smooth. Continuous variations
occur in many phenotypes, however, such as length or weight, is
also commonly observed in nature and forms an apparently
unbroken range from one extreme to another. This phenomenon,
known as polygenic inheritance, results from the complex
interaction among a set of genes. Human skin color, shades
ranging from black through brown and yellow to white, is a good
example of a trait determined by polygenes. Only an infinite
number of polygenes, however, could give a perfectly continuous
The phenotype of an organism is shaped not only by its genotype
but also by the interaction of that genotype with the
environment. It is often difficult to determine the relative
contribution of genetic and environmental variation to a
particular phenotype.
The sex of an organism is usually an inherited phenotype. In
haploid forms, alleles of one gene pair can determine sex, but
in higher organisms sex is often associated with a special pair
of chromosomes called sex chromosomes. For example, human
cells contain 22 pairs of autosomes, or nonsex chromosomes, and
one pair of sex chromosomes. Women possess two identical sex
chromosomes (X and X), and men possess two different sex
chromosomes (X and Y). The presence or absence of the Y
chromosome determines sex in humans; therefore, the Y contains
the genes for male sex determination, called the "testis
determining factor" (tdf). In many higher plants, anthers and
ovaries are located on separate plants (dioecism), and some of
these have an X/Y-like chromosomal determination of sex.
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In humans, the X chromosome bears genes that affect traits
having nothing to do with the sex. Because they are located on
the X, however, they show a special inheritance pattern
different from autosomal gene inheritance; the Y chromosome
apparently has no counterpart to these genes. Red-green color
blindness and hemophilia are two genetic traits determined by
X-linked genes. The X and the Y genes are able to separate
into equal numbers of sperm in the male and produce a 1:1 ratio
of males to females in the eggs that they fertilize.
The genetic material for most organisms, DNA, is a
double-stranded helix comprising a long chain of nucleotide
bases with a sugar-phosphate backbone, as proposed by James D.
WATSON and Francis H. C. CRICK in 1953. Eukaryotic cells
contain two kinds of DNA sequences: unique DNA, one copy
present in a haploid gene set; and repetitive DNA, identical
copies (one million or more) found dispersed throughout the
chromosome. The unique segments probably contain regular
genes. The function of repetitive DNA segments is not known,
although they may be involved either in the process of
chromosome pairing or in regulating the activity of the unique
DNA of eukaryotic organisms appears to be wound around
nucleosomes--small, beadlike units that each consist of about
200 base pairs of DNA and a complex structure of proteins known
as histones. Nucleosomes help package the DNA into the
chromosome--an average human chromosome is about 0.005 mm in
length and contains 50 mm of DNA.
During mitotic cell division chromosomal replication produces
two identical daughter cells, each of which contains identical
DNA, assuring the stability of the hereditary material. The
DNA replication is semiconservative. This means that free
nucleotides hydrogen-bond to each half of the separate DNA
strands, resulting in two new DNA double helices each
consisting of one-half old and one-half newly formed strands.
Genes of the DNA in eukaryotic organisms (RNA in some viruses)
control phenotype by coding for the structure of PROTEINS,
which are the main structural and catalytic molecules in an
organism; hair, muscle, skin, tendons, and enzymes are all
proteinaceous. The order of the nucleotide bases in DNA
dictates the corresponding order of amino acids that give
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proteins their specific shape and function during PROTEIN
SYNTHESIS. The protein-building information in DNA is copied
into a single-stranded molecule, called messenger RNA (mRNA),
that then moves to the cytoplasm, where protein synthesis
occurs. The nucleotides in mRNA can be thought of as letters
that are read in groups of three, called codons, each codon
standing for an amino acid. The amino acids are transported to
the mRNA by transfer RNA molecules, and the protein is
assembled on the surface of ribosomes.
In humans the DNA in each cell contains about 3 billion base
pairs, distributed among 22 sets of autosomal chromosomes and
one set of sex chromosomes in the nucleus as well as one set of
chromosomes in each mitochondrion. If all of this DNA were
stretched out, it would have a length of about 1 m (3 ft), but
the DNA is tightly compressed into the chromosome. Only about
2 percent of a person's DNA forms the actual genes, as well;
the rest constitutes either noncoding "spacer" regions between
genes or noncoding "intron" regions within genes. The amount
of DNA per cell varies tremendously within both animal and
plant kingdoms and is unrelated to the taxonomic group
concerned (see GENETIC CODE; GENOME).
MUTATION is the process by which genes change from one form to
another. Mutations may be caused by such mutagens as X rays,
ultraviolet rays, nitrous acid, ethyl methane sulfonate, and
nitrosoguanidine; less frequently, mutations may occur
spontaneously as a result of accidental changes in the
chemistry of the cell. Because mutation is random, haphazard
change, most mutants contain damaged genes that are
nonfunctional. Mutants usually do not live long in nature;
geneticists and breeders, however, may keep mutants alive for
study or for use in producing new plant and animal forms in
A mutation in DNA usually results in an altered nucleotide
sequence, either by substitution, addition, deletion, or
insertion, which is translated into an altered amino-acid
sequence that usually produces a change in the organism's
normal body function. The alteration of amino acids can have a
drastic effect on function, as in the case of sickle-cell
hemoglobin. A mutation of the chromosome by transposition,
translocation, or insertion can cause similar effects.
Mutations of cells other than sex cells are considered to be a
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primary cause of cancer in those tissues.
All humans carry quite a large number of deleterious and lethal
mutant genes that are recessive. Each mating is a kind of a
lottery, in which the offspring reveal whether or not the
parents' mutations are at identical loci. For example, if both
parents are heterozygous (Aa) for a gene pair in which the
recessive allele is deleterious, then one-fourth of their
children will show genetic disease of the kind controlled by
that locus. Genetic counseling can often help prospective
mates in determining whether such diseases will manifest in
their offspring (see also GENETIC IMPRINTING).
Most organisms start life as single cells (zygotes) and grow
into massive multicellular bodies with cells of considerable
differences in form and function. This process, which involves
growth and differentiation, is called DEVELOPMENT. Although
skin cells, liver cells, brain cells, and so on, are highly
differentiated, they are all derived from the original zygote
as a result of the high-fidelity copying of DNA during mitotic
division. This is achieved by a complex, little-understood
process whereby different genes are active in different
The best examples of gene regulation are found in bacteria,
where genes of related function are grouped on the chromosome
together with a special class of regulatory genes to form an
operon, which is a kind of control unit. The operon theory was
proposed by Francois Jacob and Jacques Monod in 1961.
Regulatory genes, usually responding to environmental cues,
either assist or prevent the passage of the mRNA synthesis
enzyme, RNA polymerase, along the operon, thereby controlling
gene activity. No satisfactory examples of operons have been
found at present in higher organisms, but several examples of
regulatory genes are known, although these are not necessarily
linked to a controlled locus. Repetitive DNA that is
interspersed between unique DNA has been postulated as a site
of a vast system of regulatory genes.
Although most genes are found in the chromosomes of the
nucleus, two kinds of cytoplasmic organelles, mitochondria and
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chloroplasts, also contain certain genes. Phenotypes
determined by these genes are inherited through the female
parent. Maternal or uniparental inheritance has been
extensively studied in microorganisms, notably the unicellular
algae, chlamydomonas, and several fungi. In Chlamydomonas, a
variety of drug-resistant and morphological phenotypes are
involved. In fungi, sensitivity to certain drugs, such as
erythromycin, paramomycin, and oligoomycin, can be
cytoplasmically inherited, as can some kinds of poor growth
phenotypes ("petites" in yeast and "poky" in the bread mold
The mitochondria and chloroplasts carry their own DNA, which is
circular and unlike nuclear DNA in nucleotide composition.
They also contain their own autonomous protein-synthesizing
system, many parts of which are coded by organellar DNA genes.
Many other components of the mitochondria and chloroplasts,
such as cytochromes, are coded by genes of nuclear DNA. These
organelles are therefore composed of a mixture of components
with DNA blueprints located in both the nucleus and the
The specific synthesizing machinery of mitochondrion, together
with its shape and size, have suggested to some that the
mitochondrion is a vestige of a primitive symbiotic association
with bacteria. Similarly, the structure and functions of a
chloroplast are reminiscent of the primitive blue-green algae.
This kind of evolution, in which complexity results from the
adoption of an internal collection of simpler cells, is called
hereditary symbiosis and may have been important in the
development of modern cells.
Mendelian genetics can predict the inheritance patterns within
families, but one should not expect to see similar patterns and
ratios in populations, which are complex mixtures of different
families. A different approach, sometimes called population
genetics, is used to analyze genetic distribution in
populations. Each locus contains two alleles (A and a) of one
gene. The gene pool of a population is derived by considering
each diploid individual to be one cell bearing two genes at
that locus. The total number of A and a genes in a population
is calculated and an allele frequency for each is obtained.
Usually, the frequency of A is called p, and the frequency of a
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is called q, where p + q = 1 (or 100%). The allele frequencies
are the main determinants of the genetic structure of
populations. If mating is random for example, there will be pp
of AA, 2 pq of Aa, and qq of aa.
This genotype distribution, which is stable if all other
factors are constant, is called Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium,
named after its discoverers. At its most fundamental level,
evolution is little more than a change in relative allele
The actual values of p and q at each locus are determined by
the complex interaction of many forces, including mutation from A
to a, mutation from a to A (reversion, which is usually less
frequent than forward mutation), chance fluctuation due to
small populations (producing genetic drift of allele
frequencies), and natural selection for or against certain
genotypes. In turn, selection can be directional, ultimately
eliminating one allele from the population, or stabilizing,
favoring intermediate genotypes and tending to maintain several
alleles and phenotypes in an interbreeding population, a
phenomenon called genetic polymorphism.
Preliminary results of a different form of genetic study of
human evolution aroused controversy at the 1987 meeting of the
American Anthropological Association. The research involved
analyses of mitochondrial DNA in placental samples from women
with a worldwide distribution of ancestry. Such DNA is
inherited only from the mother, and through mutation studies
the researchers hoped to trace human ancestry back to a
"single" source--some generation of first humans. The results
of a team of geneticists working at the University of
California, Berkeley, suggested a human family tree with roots
in sub-Saharan Africa some 140,000 to 200,000 years ago.
Another team, at Emory University, proposed a common ancestor
of similar age but in southeastern Asia. Anthropologists
expressed considerable skepticism, however, about these results
of what came to be known as the "Eve" hypothesis. Most
anthropologists consider that the first true humans appeared
much longer ago (see PREHISTORIC HUMANS).
Genetics is an important aspect of many areas of pure and
applied biology. Viral genetics, microbial genetics, plant
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genetics, animal genetics, and human genetics focus research on
specific types of organisms. Research in molecular genetics
involves studies on chemical structure and function;
cytogenetics on location of the genetic material in cells and
on cell division; developmental genetics on the genetic
function in embryological phenomena; behavior genetics on the
role of the gene in regulating behavior; and population
genetics on the evolutionary process.
At the applied level, genetics is of direct use in
understanding genetic diseases and environmental mutation. It
is used in plant and animal breeding to improve the quality and
quantity of food. It also is a tool in basic research by which
complex biological processes can be analyzed, often at the
molecular level.
A. J. W. Griffiths
Bibliography: Ayala, F. J., Population and Evolutionary
Genetics (1982); Briggs, David, and Walters, Max, Plant
Variation and Evolution (1969); Burnet, Frank Macfarlane,
Endurance of Life: The Implications of Genetics for Human Life
(1978); Dobzhansky, Theodosius, Genetics of the Evolutionary
Process (1970); Goodenough, U., Genetics, 3d ed. (1983);
Lerner, I. Michael, and Libby, William J., Heredity,
Evolution, and Society, 2d ed. (1976); Levine, Louis, Biology
of the Gene, 3d ed. (1980); Lewontin, R. C., Rose, Steven,
and Kamin, L. J., Not in Our Genes: Biology, Ideology and
Human Nature (1984); McKusick, V. S., Mendelian Inheritance
in Man, 7th ed. (1986); Mertens, Thomas R., ed., Human
Genetics: Readings on the Implications of Genetic Engineering
(1975); Scandalious, J. G., Molecular Genetics of Development
(1987); Smith, Anthony, The Human Pedigree (1976); Spiess, E.
B., Genes in Populations (1977); Suzuki, David T., and
Griffiths, A. J., An Introduction to Genetic Analysis, 3d ed.
(1986); Stent, G. S., and Calendar, R., Molecular Genetics
(1978); Watson, James D., The Double Helix (1968); Watson, J.
D., et al, The Molecular Biology of the Gene, 2 vols. (1987).
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